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On April 21, Jiangyin Bureau of Commerce held the RCEP special lecture in comprehensive building. All members from Jiangyin Bureau of Commerce, representatives from Jiangyin Customs, towns, comprehensive insurance zone, banks and important foreign trade companies attended.


The RCEP lecture specially invited Professor Chen of Fudan University to give guidance. Professor Chen carefully set up the content. It focuses not only  on the regional basic relationship between RCEP and China’s foreign trade, but also zero tariff, cumulative rules of origin, trade facilitation, negative list etc.


As listed company, Acrel has been committed on foreign trade business for many years. We have learned from the lecture that the policy will be more conductive to the trade between Chinese companies and other member countries. The tariff policy will be beneficial to reduce the import and export cost of foreign trade companies and upgrade the industrial chain of high-tech companies.

    我司自成立以来,一直秉承“**  团结 诚信”理念,在中国电气制造领域提升了公司的品牌影响力。此前安科瑞曾多次参加在成员国举办的展会,如越南电力展,印尼电力展等,展会收获颇丰,过硬的产品质量以及周到的服务为我司赢得了诸多成员国企业订单。

From the establishment of Acrel, we always adhere to the concept “Innovation Efficient Unity Integrity” and have enhanced the brand influence in China’s electrical manufacturing market. Acrel participated in exhibitions among member countries for many times, such as Vietnam Electric Exhibition and Indonesian Electric Exhibition. Our excellent products quality and intimate service help us gain many orders from member countries.


Acrel will respond to the call from Jiangyin Bureau of Commerce and study the favorable policies of RCEP. We will also research the RCEP rules according to the features of our products and  optimize the productions and sales layout to let “Acrel” brand go overseas.

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