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安科瑞 华楠


Abstract: The intelligence, refinement and visualization of the distribution system are the trend of distribution management. The smart power meter is designed and installed for the main energy-consuming nodes on the user side, in order to real time monitor the working state of each load circuit by background system,and the electricity consumption, water consumption, and gas consumption of each circuit are measured. Real-time monitoring of energy consumption and related power parameters can improve the safety of energy usage, improve the efficiency of equipment maintenance, reduce labor cost of maintenance, and realize the unattended monitoring of distribution system. Through real-time monitoring of energy, data collection and storage, the operating status of the power supply and distribution system is clarified, it will save electricity maintenance costs and provide reasonable charges for properties. This article shows a brief introduction of the PZ power meters used in the Vietnam hydropower project.


0. 项目概述  Project Overview


The high-voltage power distribution room of Vietnam hydroelectric power station adopts SCADA monitoring and PLC control. The customer connects to the SCADA system through RS485 communication for measurement, but uses 4-20mA analog signal control. Acrel PZ96-E4/M meter has various functions, clear display, standard configuration of modbus-RTU and analog output, which is suitable for application.


1. PZ系列可编程智能电测仪表介绍  

PZ Series Programmable Intelligent Electric Meters


The PZ power meter is designed for the power systems, industrial and mining enterprises, public facilities, and smart buildings. It can measure all common power parameters, such as three-phase current, voltage, active and reactive power, electricity, harmonics, etc. Since the power meter also has a complete communication function, we call it network power meter. It is very suitable for real-time power monitoring system.

2.型号说明  Model description




Technical features




3.安装图片 Installation picture



4、总结  Summary

PZ系列仪表具有高的性能价格比,可以直接取代常规电力变送器及测量仪表。作为一种先进的智能化、数字化的前端采集元件,该电力仪表已广泛应用于各种控制系统,SCADA 系统和能源管理系统中。

PZ series power meter have high price performance, which can replace power transmitter and other measuring instrument. As an advanced intelligent and digital acquisition device, the power meter has been widely used in various control systems, SCADA systems and energy management systems.


参考文献 Bibliography

1.Solutions For Enterprise Micro-grid System 2020.02



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